Published On: May 24, 2021|Categories: Content Marketing, Demand Generation, Sales Enablement|Tags: , , , , |
Blog article updated March 31, 2023

Looking for simple ways to grow your email list? Maybe you’ve just launched and are getting started?

When most people talk about email marketing, they jump immediately into email copy, catchy headlines and campaigns as well as tracking unsubscribes and open/click rates. But if you don’t have an email list, none of this makes any difference.

Building an email list is crucial because it is the best way to build a relationship with both prospects and customers in an intimate way. You are right there in their inbox where they receive other important communications and engage frequently.

Email marketing helps you:

  • Increase brand awareness and recognition
  • Generate more leads and sales
  • Improve customer service
  • Collect valuable data and insights

Plus, when you build an email list it is “yours” – you own that name and you don’t have to worry about a third party changing the rules of the game. (Ever have a blocked social media account and all your contacts are gone?)

Start Building Your Email List

You cannot create an email list without having a few other things in place first. At a minimum you must know who your ideal client is, you must have a website and email marketing service, AND you need an enticing offer. Let’s explore these in more detail.

• Who is your audience?

Before you begin growing your email list, it is important to have a clear understanding of your ideal customer. You may also see this referenced as ideal customer profile (ICP) or buyer’s persona or avatar.

You’ll need to research and document things like:

> Demographics – age, gender, education, location, occupation, industry, title

> Challenges – what problems are they trying to solve or overcome

> Psychographics – emotional needs, values, beliefs, attitudes, desires

Knowing your customer will help you craft an email list that is tailored to their interests and needs. By capturing this information, it will be easier to capture their email information.

• Your Website

You will need a location where you will collect information about your audience to build your email list – your website. It doesn’t need to be huge. And what you really need is a landing page – a single page website that contains an email opt-in form.

Most web pages have a few key features such as a headline and subhead as well as a few bullet points and copy that explains the compelling offer as well as the benefits of taking action today. The page should contain a short opt-in form to capture their email address. It is best to keep these forms short – the more questions you ask, the less likely it will be that it is filled out and submitted.

• Email Marketing Service

In order to communicate with the people on your list, you are going to need an email marketing platform to help you organize your email list and to provide a means for sending your emails. There are many email platforms on the market, so decide what features and functionality you will need as your email list grows. Those features may include the ability to segment lists, automation for setting up drip campaigns, and detailed analytics and reporting. If you haven’t already chosen your platform, it may be helpful to reference this list of the best email tools and services.

• The Offer

Whatever you are offering, selling or building, people need a reason for joining your mailing list. What do they get in exchange for their email? What does your ideal customer want? Often, the best offers are your best resources. You can give them access to a report or eBook, a free trail to your software, or a checklist of best practices – something that gives them value.

Don’t forget to invite your audience to sign up. Include the call-to-action (CTA) in various locations on your website, on your blog, social channels, and your email signature. If you have an online shopping portal, include a tick box as part of the checkout process.

Build Your Email List Early!

Now you are ready to start collecting email addresses. Even if you don’t have your product or service ready to launch, it is important to start building your email list as early as possible. Having an email list of engaged subscribers allows you to gather feedback, test your product ideas, and to start building relationships with your potential customers.

Your email list helps you create a presence in the market, build awareness for your product, and create a “buzz” in anticipation for when you are ready to launch. And once you are ready to go – you have a platform to announce your launch and spread the word.

Tips & Tricks to Get Started

Growing your list can be challenging. Here’s a few tips and tricks to get started:

1. Create content that appeals to your target audience.

Your subscribers will only stay if you offer them something valuable. Think about the content that you provide and how it helps educate them or solve a challenge.


2. Utilize social media platforms to promote your email list and content.

Share sign-up forms and encourage your followers to join your list.


3. Use a lead magnet to encourage people to opt in to your email list.

Offer a reward for signing up or referring friends. Some common lead magnets include ebooks, templates and bonus content.


4. Offer discounts or giveaways for subscribing to your list.

Offer discounts or free trials in exchange for people signing up. You can promote your discounts or giveaways on social media platforms and other channels.


5. Utilize email pop-ups to capture visitors on your website.

Pop-ups can be used on your home page, blog and other key pages. Time them to appear when they first land, when they reach a certain point on a page or when they are about to leave a page.


6. Run targeted ads on social media or search engine platforms.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a great way to grow your list. Create ads for search engines like Google or Bing or on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube.


7. Cross-promote your email list with other websites or businesses.

Reach out to influencers and bloggers in your niche and ask to promote your email list. Offer them something in return in exchange for each sign-up referred.


Email marketing is one of the most cost effective tools in every marketer’s arsenal. Not only can you gain new customers, email can help you retain the customers you have. Get started building your email list today!

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