Published On: July 19, 2021|Categories: Brand Strategy, Content Marketing, Demand Generation|Tags: , , , , |

The focus of any new business is to attract as many prospects as possible and convert them to paying customers. While sales plays an important part in the process, it is marketing that holds the key to attracting them and generating leads. No matter what your company’s marketing goals, digital marketing will be a key to your overall marketing strategy when launching your business. When used effectively, digital marketing can help identify, grow, and convert your audience to customers.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses those marketing efforts that use electronic devices or the internet. Those can include digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to connect with customers and prospects.

The main difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is the MEDIUM in which the audience encounters a marketing message. In traditional marketing, those channels may include magazines, newspapers, and billboards.

While both may be promising for any new startup, digital marketing lets you reach the targeted audience globally from all over the world and marketing messaging is accessible anytime, anywhere from the various digital platforms. Digital marketing gives quick results in real-time and can also show all the metrics which matter, including views, clicks, impressions, shares, and engagement.

Digital marketing is also more cost-effective and allows businesses to continuously pivot ensuring that money isn’t being wasted on channels that don’t perform well.

Digital Marketing Strategies

SEO, content marketing, advertising, email marketing and social media marketing are some of the most popular digital strategies. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s explore these:
  1. Email Marketing

Despite the emergence of new and creative methods for digital marketing, email continues to remain at the top when it comes to ROI statistics. With open rates for email generally in the 20-30% range, your message is more likely to be seen. In fact, you are 6x more likely to get a click from an email than from a tweet!
  1. Social Media Marketing

While email is great for reaching customers directly, social media is a better way to drive customers to communities. Using social media can do wonders for your brand. YouTube is now the world’s second largest search engine behind Google. In fact, over 90% of users say they have learned about a brand or product on YouTube.
  1. SEO

Search engine optimization is necessary to help drive traffic to your website. Google’s search algorithm uses more than 200 factors to rank websites – but high quality content and link building are two of the most important. In fact, 57% of marketing executives say on-page content development was the most effective SEO tactic.
  1. Search Advertising

When a company first launches , brand awareness can be challenging and take some time to see results. Search advertising can help bridge the gap between organic SEO and a social media campaign in the short-term. These campaigns can be launched on several platforms like Google Search Ads and LinkedIn Ads. These ads help to reach your audience faster and bring in immediate traffic to your website. People who click on Google Ads and 50% more likely to buy.
  1. Content Marketing

As a startup no one knows who you are, so content marketing is an important component of your digital marketing strategy. Content that highlights your product or service in ways that are educational has a better chance of converting than content that feels like an ad. You’ll build trust with your brand by helping readers solve their problems. Content marketing can also help in building loyal relationships with existing clients (63%), generating revenue/sales (53%), and building subscribed audiences (45%).
  1. Webinars

Webinars offer a great way for businesses to connect with their audiences on a more personal level. You’re not only just educating your audience about your business, you’ll also be faced with questions from the audience in real-time. This high quality content will get you noticed by a broader spectrum of prospects and produces more leads that should convert to more sales. It is reported that 73% of attendees (in B2B), turn into lead generation.
  1. Retargeted Ads

97% of people who visit your website for the first time leave without doing anything (like fill in a contact form, download a file, purchase an item, etc. . Retargeted ads allow your business to show relevant, targeted ads to those viewers when they visit other websites to nudge them to come back to your site to complete the transaction.
  1. Optimized Landing Pages

User experience (UX) design can make products and services fun to interact with. Visitors are becoming more particular about the visuals and aesthetics than ever before – and expect a meaningful experience when they use a company’s website. According to Think with Google, more than 50% of people will not purchase products from a website than is poorly designed. Effective landing pages and optimized mobile experience can significantly boost visitor-to-customer conversion rates.

Wrap Up

The importance of digital marketing for startups not only helps in reaching a large number of people and creating brand awareness, it also helps in saving time and resources to build a perfect marketing strategy to sell your products and services.

Do you want to harness the power of digital marketing to boost your brand? SAIL’s team of professionals have the experience working with brands across many industries and can help define a strategy and tactics to take your brand to the next level. Check out our services and let us help you.

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